Ver 2.2 - 1 Character Classes: Wizard (Illusionist)

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Ver 2.2 - 1 Character Classes: Wizard (Illusionist)

Ver 2.2 - 1 Character Classes: Wizard (Illusionist)

ILLUSIONIST to control or influence the minds and hearts of living creatures. Illusionists can be highly effective in combat, Description: Illusionists tend to be flamboyant, diverting and distracting enemies with false opponents outgoing, and self-assured. Remarkably creative as a rule, and magical misdirection. they enjoy art, literature, poetry, and music, and as a general rule greatly prefer the urbane life and culture to be Illusionists always seek creative and unusual uses for their found in the cities over the desolate wilderness. They are magical powers, weaving a web of intrigue for their often found as entertainers (often achieving considerable enemies. They are also expert at avoiding troublesome fame), performing at the homes of nobles and other situations entirely through their mastery of stealth and wealthy folk, and Illusionists often take such disguise spells. While their spells are not as spectacular opportunities to ingratiate themselves with the 'powers as many others, they are subtle and powerful in the that be' in an area or to acquire choice bits of gossip or extreme and often afford greater benefits in battle and in rumor. Less scrupulous Illusionists make the rounds as information-gathering than any other form of magic. In con men of extraordinary skill, using their powers to addition to their Primary FOS in Illusion, these gather information about a potential mark and then play mysterious wizards also have Major FOS in both Lore and upon the hopes, dreams, and fears of that person to Enchantment; however, Illusionists focus all of their confound them with elaborate schemes or simply to attention on these fields and have no facility with other infiltrate their hidden and secret places and flat-out rob types of magic. them blind. Special Benefits: Illusionists are masters of deceit and Regardless of their degree of morality and ethics (and trickery, dealing in subtleties and suggestion, and they are Illusionists can be found all across the board in this expert at all manner of magical applications that assist regard), Illusionists rely on their spells to assist them in them in these regards. Illusionists receive the following their daily activities or even disguising their spellcasting standard Wizard abilities: as mere 'magic tricks' to amuse and amaze. Adventuring Illusionists use their spells to distract, confuse, - Have the option to leave any or all 'spell slots' open demoralize, and (when necessary) harm their foes. rather than memorizing spells immediately after rest. Masters of deception and distraction, dancing between Such spell slots can then be used later in the day by light and shadow, they ply the thoughts of those who reading and memorizing a particular spell from the oppose them with subtle strands of magical power, often Illusionist's spellbooks at the time it is needed drawing upon the power of an enemy's own mind to (requiring the normal 10 minutes per spell level) and defeat him or her, or overwhelming mental defenses with then casting it, allowing for greater flexibility but empathic impulses of considerable power. leaving him or her without a prememorized, ready-to- cast spell in that slot. Requirements: Illusionists use the Wizard advancement - Receive bonus spells (and/or have a spell failure table and have four-sided hit dice. Illusionists use a chance) based on their Intelligence score as a Priest Wizard's THAC0 and saving throw tables. Illusionists would for a high Wisdom score; these bonus spells begin with 1 weapon and 4 non-weapon proficiencies, and must be selected from the realm of Illusion. they gain one weapon and two non-weapon slots every six - Research and create spells and magical items (within levels of experience. Illusionists may be of any alignment the Realm of Illusion). but must have scores of at least 13 in Intelligence, - Scribe spells onto scrolls beginning at 6th level, Dexterity, and Charisma. Only humans, gnomes, half- provided appropriate spell inks can be bought or elves, and tieflings can become Illusionists. manufactured and the Calligraphy proficiency is known. Weapons & Armor: Like other wizards, Illusionists cannot wear armor or use shields. Illusionists are limited In addition to these standard abilities, they gain the to the following weapons: bolas, blowgun, dart (any), following skills unique to their class: knife/dagger (any), lasso, net, sap, sling (any), or whip. Illusionary Enhancement: Illusionists are so skilled at Magical Philosophy: The Primary Field of Study for this the use of their powers of illusion that they are able to class is Illusion, which consists of disguising, distorting, memorize one additional spell of every spell level they hiding, or altering the appearance or the essential know, though this additional spell must be one from the substance of reality primarily through manipulation Realm of Illusion (e.g., a 3rd level Illusionist could thought, emotion, and perception, though the most memorize 2 first and 1 second level spell of his or her powerful of illusions can fundamentally alter reality, choice, plus one additional Illusion spell of 1st level and space, and time. An Illusionist's spells are have the power of 2nd level). Ver 2.2 - 2 Character Classes: Wizard (Illusionist)

Realm of Illusion. In addition, Illusionists gain a +2 Illusionists also have the unique ability to make a bonus to their saving throws vs. all forms of mental particular spell effect from the Realm of Illusion attack, whether magical or psionic, and they apply a -2 'persistent' upon themselves (i.e., only Illusion spells that penalty to creatures attempting saving throws vs. spells affect the Illusionist him- or herself can be made they cast from the Realm of Illusion. persistent). This particular spell essentially becomes a permanent enchantment that functions on behalf of the It should be noted that Illusionists are so intimately Illusionist whenever he or she concentrates on it. The familiar with the nature of illusions that they are entitled persistent effect can be invoked at any time by a silent act to an unmodified save vs. paralyzation to immediately of will, but it lasts only as long as the Illusionist continues recognize an illusion for what it is (though this does not to concentrate. He or she can fight, flee, or even use most allow automatic detection of invisible characters or magical items while maintaining a persistent effect (and creatures). On a similar note, they are so well-versed in invoking it cannot be disrupted by being struck in mental attacks of all kinds that they are entitled to an combat), but cannot cast other spells or perform other unmodified save vs. paralyzation to resist mental attacks activity requiring intense concentration while maintaining (whether magical or psionic) that normally allow no the effect. Falling victim to a mental attack, being saving throw. stunned or knocked unconscious, and similar effects will disrupt a persistent effect. Omit Components: Because Illusionists must often be very subtle in their spell use to avoid notice of those they The spell to be made persistent must be from the Realm of are trying to fool, they have the ability to learn how to Illusion, and it may not be a spell with an 'Instantaneous' omit certain components from spells (most often somatic or 'Special' duration. It may be any spell that the components). Once at each level of experience, an Illusionist knows, but he or she may never have more than Illusionist can attempt to relearn a spell that he or she one such spell in place at a time. If the Illusionist wishes already knows in a slightly different format, omitting one to change the spell, he or she must spend one full week normally required component. This requires one day per per level of the spell in meditation and study in a magical level of the spell and an outlay of 1d10 x 10 g.p. per level laboratory or library (which need not be owned by the of the spell for research costs, and it has a chance equal to Illusionist), at a cost in materials and reference works of the Illusionist's Chance to Know Spells plus his or her 1d10 x 100 g.p. per level of the spell the first time it is level, minus twice the level of the spell being modified. If performed; if an Illusionist wishes to 'reset' a persistent the roll succeeds, the Illusionist has managed to adjust his spell effect that he or she previously had in place, the cost or her knowledge and casting of the spell so as to omit is only one-tenth this amount. one of its normal components. If the roll fails, the research was unsuccessful but can be repeated after the There is a drawback to using this ability to engender a Illusionist gains a level (or a different spell could be persistent spell effect, and that is that an Illusionist loses tried). This can be done with any spell he or she knows the normal bonus spell slots for all spell levels up to and from the Realm of Illusion. including the level of the spell made persistent. At subsequent levels, an Illusionist can attempt the same Example: An Illusionist who has made the change self feat with a new spell or can attempt to repeat research on spell persistent would lose his or her bonus 1st level spell. a spell for which research to Omit Components has If instead the wraithform spell was made persistent, the already been performed. This can be done, but at only Illusionist would forgo his or her bonus 1st, 2nd, and 3rd half the normal chance of success. If the spell normally level spells. has three components and the Illusionist elects to research it a third time in order to omit all three components, Any persistent effect can be 'renounced' at any time by the research must be performed at only one-quarter the Illusionist, requiring only one round of concentration per normal chance of success. level of the persistent spell. If this is done, he or she can again use his or her full normal allotment of bonus spell Regardless of the initial number of components involved, slots the next time spell memorization is undertaken, but if any spell is reduced to having no components, it can be replacing the persistent spell effect (even with the same cast by a silent act of will and cannot be dis rupted by spell as was in place before) must be undertaken before it striking the Illusionist in combat or similar means, though can be used again. dispel magic and similar effects have the usual chance of disrupting spell use. Illusionary Expertise: Illusionists are extremely skilled in the arts of illusion and the nature of illusionary magic. Special Hindrances: An Illusionist's greatest hindrance They therefore gain a +15% bonus to learn spells from the is his or her total dedication to his or her chosen art. Ver 2.2 - 3 Character Classes: Wizard (Illusionist)

Illusionists suffer a -15% penalty to learn spells outside the Realm of Illusion. In addition, they have no skill whatsoever with spells from the Realms of Conjuration, Elementalism, Necromancy, and Sorcery. In fact, an Illusionist is prohibited from even using magical items that use such powers. Only items that use powers of Enchantment, Illusion, Lore, or Universal Magic can be used by an Illusionist. In the case of items with multiple functions that include powers prohibited to an Illusionist, he or she will shun such items in general, though in extreme cases an Illusionist might use powers from an allowed Realm of Magic that such an item might possess.

Bonus Proficiency: Observation Required Proficiencies: Artistic Ability (any), Reading/Writing Preferred Proficiencies: Astrology, Calligraphy, Etiquette, Gem Cutting, Glassblowing, Information Gathering, Juggling, Language (Modern), Lens Crafting, Prestidigitation, Reading Lips, Sign Language, Somatic Concealment, Spellcraft Ver 2.2 - 4 Character Classes: Wizard (Illusionist)

ILLUSIONIST KITS addition, once per day an Illuminator can concentrate his or her magical prowess and cast an Illumination spell as if Illuminator 1d4 levels higher than his or her true level; note that this is in lieu of the normal +1 casting level bonus, not in Description: Illuminators represent a special type of addition to it. Illusionist that dedicate themselves totally to understanding all forms of magical and mundane light and In addition to this generally high level of skill with their its properties and applications. They are highly proficient chosen spells, Illuminators can choose to double the in the casting of light-based illusions, but they also are range or duration of any Illumination spell, or to increase masters of non-illusory applications of magical radiance. both by 50%. Note that increasing the duration of an Regardless of type, all light-based spells used by an Illumination spell will also increase the duration of any Illuminator are unusually long-lasting and highly aftereffects from the spell. Spells with an Instantaneous effective. Illuminators pay close attention to appearances or Special duration cannot have their duration altered, nor and nuances of color and pattern, so that they may better can a spell with range of 0 or Touch be increased in replicate them through the use of their magic. range). Alternatively, an Illuminator can increase the area of effect of an Illumination spell by 50% (though with no Illuminators are also entertainers and often interpreters of bonus to range or duration); in cases where the spell art and culture. They can recreate historical events or affects a set number of creatures, increasing the area of artistic treasures through the casting of dramatic illusions effect will likewise increase the number of creatures for the education and entertainment of those present. affected by 50% (rounding down). They study ancient scrolls and works of art to study varied bodies of myths and legends that deal with all Illusionary Expertise: As a standard Illusionist, but an manner of topics, ranging from the creation of the world Illuminator's benefits from this ability apply only to spells to the modern triumph of a local warlord over his or her of Illumination. In addition, an Illuminator may apply his enemies. Such presentations are often made during or her saving throw bonus to any form of light- or elaborate festivals or during public celebrations, and darkness-based blinding attack and to gaze weapons of all Illuminators are often retained by wealthy nobles and types. royal courts for their expertise in such matters. As a sideline, some Illuminators study the use of 'smoke Omit Components: As a standard Illusionist, but only powder' and the alchemical admixture of it with various spells from the school of Illumination can be affected. chemicals and powders in order to create fireworks for use in elaborate pyrotechnic displays. The majority of Visual Memory: Illuminators have a very careful eye for Illuminators eschew such mundane means for creating visual details, having cultivated their powers of visually impressive extravaganzas, but in many areas an observation and developed a highly acute memory for Illuminator will learn both arts so as to better enrich the such things. In effect, an Illuminator never forgets the practice of each individually and the two together for truly smallest detail of things he or she has seen. In game amazing displays. Use of smoke powder fireworks is terms, the player of an Illuminator may at any time ask most common in Lantan, Calimshan, and Kara-Tur the DM to confirm a fact about a previous situation that (which are coincidentally the places where smoke powder he or she has seen. is most commonly available). Example: Upon noticing a tattoo on a bandit's arm, an Requirements: As a standard Illusionist. Illuminator may ponder whether he or she has ever seen the mark before. Regardless of whether the player of the Weapons & Armor: As a standard Illusionist, plus all Illuminator personally recalls the details of the situation, firearms are allowed. the DM must answer truthfully if asked that the Illumi- nator did in fact see the same mark woven into a tapestry Special Benefits: As stated above, Illuminators are hanging on the wall of the royal vizier's office. exceptionally skilled in the use of light-based magic. They may learn Illumination spells as part of their It must be noted that Visual Memory applies only to Primary FOS, regardless of their Realm of Magic. In things an Illuminator has seen, not to memories of other addition to this basic course of study, Illuminators gain sorts. It is up to the DM's discretion as to whether Visual the following abilities: Memory applies to texts an Illuminator has read, but it is recommended that this not be allowed as such. That is, an Enhanced Illumination: Whenever an Illuminator casts Illuminator may remember having seen something about a a spell from the school of Illumination, the spell takes given topic in a book and quite possibly even where the effect as if the caster was one level higher than normal. In book was seen and/or the title of the book, but he or she Ver 2.2 - 5 Character Classes: Wizard (Illusionist) should not have perfect and complete textual recall at Required Proficiency: Reading/Writing will. Preferred Proficiencies: Alchemy, Ancient History, Arcanology, Artistic Ability, Astrology, Calligraphy, Note that the DM may assign an Intelligence check Engineering, Etiquette, Gem Cutting, Glassblowing, instead of automatically allowing Visual Memory to Gunsmithing, Languages (any), Lens Crafting, succeed, especially in conditions of poor lighting, high- Linguistics, Metalworking, Papermaking, Religion, pressure situations, while moving, and so on (e.g., trying Research, Rune Lore to recall which way a party turned in a dungeon labyrinth while being pursued by trolls).

Special Hindrances: Illuminators are dedicated to the study of light and all its permutations, and darkness and shadow are the antithesis of their art. As such, an Illuminator can never use any spell or magical item that invokes or manipulates such powers. In fact, an Illuminator avoids not only literally darkness-type spells themselves, but also associated magics (including anything that draws upon the Plane of Shadow or the elements of sleep, fear, and dreams that reside therein). Thus, any spell that is part of the school of Shadow is barred to an Illuminator, as are magical items that generate or manipulate such effects. Spells and items that tap into the energy of the Negative Material Plane are likewise barred.

In addition to avoiding even the appearance of association with shadowy powers and effects, Illuminators simply do not have the time or inclination to study the pure arts of Illusion to the depth that a standard Illusionist is able. As a result, they do not gain the Illusionary Enhancement ability at all, and several of their other abilities are limited to use within the school of Illumination.

As a final note, Illuminators are very proud of their skills and their profession, and they will rarely conceal themselves or their talents save in the direst of circum- stances. Illuminators possess a degree of reverence for the sun as the source of the world's light, and every Il- luminator must have some type of sun symbol embla- zoned (usually quite prominently) upon their garb, worn as an item of jewelry, or even tattooed onto their skin. Illuminators are quite superstitious about their solar symbol, and if they must cast spells without it they will become hesitant and uncertain, unable to Omit Components or use Enhanced Illumination, having to cast their Illumination spells without their special kit- based benefits because of their lack of confidence and difficulty focusing. Illuminators often wear the color white along with a sun symbol as an emblem of their profession, but this is not required. Many Illuminators, in fact, simply seek out the most colorful and exotic clothing they can find, and even black or gray clothing is worn (especially among those Illuminators who frequently work with smoke powder).

Bonus Proficiencies: Fire-building, Observation Ver 2.2 - 6 Character Classes: Wizard (Illusionist)

ILLUSIONIST KITS special benefits:

Mentalist Illusionary Enhancement: As a standard Illusionist, but only with respect to Mentalism spells. Description: Mentalists are Illusionists who deal in deep subtleties and mental influence to the exclusion of other Illusionary Expertise: As a standard Illusionist, but only illusionary arts. Though not at their best in open battle with respect to Mentalism spells. In addition, a against hordes of enemies, they are extraordinarily Mentalist's saving throw bonus can be applied to any form effective in investigations and confrontations against of mental attack or mind-reading, regardless of whether it single opponents. A Mentalist focuses on magic that is magical or psionic. In addition, Mentalists are affects or influences the mind directly. This is a considered to have 'closed' minds, so direct use of the complicated area of study, and Mentalists understand the Contact power is not possible against them without their psyche and its vagaries as few others can. Mentalists consent. In any event, psionic power scores for any were relatively few and far between in the ages before the Telepathic power used against a Mentalist are penalized discovery of psionic powers, little more than dabblers and by 1 for every five levels of experience (rounding up). isolated researchers. With the advent of true psionic ability, wizards immediately set to work designing Manipulate Mental Influence: All Mentalists gain the magical countermeasures and concentrating work upon a ability to detect any form of mental contact or influence system of magic that could duplicate everything that once per day per level of experience. This power psionics could accomplish, but better and more reliably functions similarly to the priest spell detect charm, but (and comfortably within the parameters of traditional each use of the ability functions with respect to only a wizardry). single creature. Use of this power will detect the presence of psionic contact, possession, or any other form of From this mental 'arms race' arose organized cadres of mental influence or control. Note that while detection of Mentalists, who frequently were used to oppose users of such influence is automatic (barring the use of concealing psionics in regions where psionics were restricted or magic such as misdirection, nondetection, or similar prohibited. In such areas, they were typically seen as effects), a Mentalist gains only a 5% chance per level of sentinels protecting the liberty and privacy of the common experience to determine the precise nature of the mental folk against the dangerous, unpredictable, and influence. It should be noted that the use of this power untrustworthy renegades who studied the forbidden (or at can also detect the presence of psionic ability within a least misunderstood and therefore greatly feared, in creature or an item. A successful roll to identify in this comparison to more familiar magical powers) arts of case will determine the psionic discipline used by an item, psionics. While the Mentalists themselves were scarcely whether a creature is a wild talent, or the primary preferred over true psionicists, they were seen at least as discipline of a true psionicist. the more palatable of two unpleasant alternatives. Though the anti-psionic furor has died down greatly with Beginning at 5th level, a Mentalist can attempt to dispel the passage of centuries, Mentalists have continued to or negate nearly any form of mental influence. This further their arts and studies of the mind and all its ability may be used once per day for every five levels of intricacies, keeping their arts hidden from those who experience (rounding down) and has a maximum range of would mistrust them yet observing from the shadows to 30 yards, requiring one full round of concentration to be on the lookout for those who misuse mental powers. activate. It can affect only a single creature, and it has the same chance of success as a dispel magic spell, Requirements: As a standard Illusionist, save that comparing the level of the Mentalist to the level of the Mentalists must have at least 15 Intelligence and Wisdom, initiator of the mental attack. This ability cannot remove and they have no minimum Dexterity score. Also, see or negate any permanent mental incapacity or influence Special Hindrances. (e.g., insanity, feeblemind, geas, quest, telepathic powers implanted via psychic surgery), but it can break psionic Weapons & Armor: As a standard Illusionist. contact and negate psionic powers just as easily as it does spells. A single roll should be made, and success Special Benefits: Mentalists are expert in their indicates that all temporary mental influence affecting that knowledge of the sentient psyche and how to prick, creature is canceled immediately. stimulate, and even manipulate it when necessary through mundane persuasion and rhetoric or (more frequently) the A Mentalist of 12th level or above can attempt to remove application of magical power to help get a point across. or negate even permanent mental influence through the They may learn any spell from the school of Mentalism as use of this power, though this has only half the normal part of their FOS. In addition, they gain the following chance of success. In addition, if the attempt fails the Ver 2.2 - 7 Character Classes: Wizard (Illusionist)

Mentalist cannot attempt to remove the condition of that sedentary nature of their profession means that they gain character again until he or she has gained a level of only three-sided hit dice, rather than the four-sided hit experience. dice normal for wizards. In addition, their hit point bonus from high Constitution can never exceed +1. Mentalists of 12th level and above can also use the insidious ability to Manipulate Mental Influence once Finally, Mentalists are somewhat mistrusted by society at per day. This has the same chance of success and other large (which has generally forgotten the supposedly relevant particulars as their power to dispel mental protective role played by Mentalists in the past); even influence, but in this case a successful roll forces the those who do not know a Mentalist's true profession may creature who initiated the mental influence to save vs. be put off by the knowing glances and the air of smug spell. If the save succeeds, the mental influence in secrecy that seems to hover around a Mentalist, applying question is disrupted normally. It if fails, however, the a -1 reaction penalty. In addition, Mentalists and Mentalist using this ability in effect 'steals' the mental Psionicists do not get along well at all, with a -3 reaction influence from the original caster; for the balance of the penalty for members of each group forced to deal with the duration of the effect in question, the Mentalist is other. A Mentalist will never knowingly accept direct aid considered to be the originator of the mental influence and or assistance from a creature using psionic powers (e.g., can gain all relevant advantages from that effect. cell adjustment to heal a wound), and any Mentalist who gains a direct benefit from the use of a psionic power In the case of a psionic power that is 'stolen' in this suffers a -10% penalty to earned experience for that fashion, a Mentalist can attempt to keep the power in adventure per incident of psionic assistance (up to a effect (allowing him or her to direct its effects upon the maximum of -50%) as they are driven to distraction by target where appropriate, and draining PSPs for the perceived taint of psychic energy. They will likewise maintenance from the original psionicist) even if the never make use of psionic items and may even try to psionicist who used the power in the first place tries to destroy them if given the opportunity. stop using it. In order to successfully discontinue use of the power, the psionicist must win a psychic contest Bonus Proficiencies: Hypnosis, Persuasion against the Mentalist, and only one such attempt is Required Proficiency: Reading/Writing allowed each round. As long as the Mentalist continues to Preferred Proficiencies: all Wizard proficiencies win psychic contests, he or she can force the originating Forbidden Proficiencies: all Psionicist proficiencies psionicist to keep maintaining any and all powers that were in effect upon the target of Manipulate Mental Influence, even though the Mentalist is now 'in control' of the use of those powers.

Omit Components: As a standard Illusionist, but only with respect to Mentalism spells.

Special Hindrances: Because they devote themselves so strongly to their pursuit of Mentalism, most of a Mentalist's benefits apply only to spells of that school. For spells of any other type, including other spells from the Realm of Illusion, a Mentalist suffers a -25% penalty to his or her chance to know them. In addition, at least half of all spells a Mentalist learns at each spell level must come from the school of Mentalism. For a Mentalist, all other areas of magic simply come in as a distant second to their chosen specialty.

Having focused all of their training and preparation on mental and magical combat, Mentalists are ill-trained for direct physical combat, suffering a -1 penalty to hit whenever forced to attack with weapons. They also gain only a single weapon proficiency slot at 1st level and never gain further weapon skills. In addition, since they spend so much time in contemplation and meditation to expand their magical mental abilities, the extremely Ver 2.2 - 8 Character Classes: Wizard (Illusionist)

ILLUSIONIST KITS capable of learning the use of dream magic such as Sandmen use (it could be ruled that they incorporate Sandman elements of psionic energy interwoven with magical energy and thus would be impossible for other wizards to Description: Sandmen represent those rare and secretive duplicate). DMs are referred to the article "In Dreams" practitioners of the arts of illusion and mentalism with a from Dragon #221 (or to check the Wizard's Spell particular eye toward the so-called 'world of dreams' and Compendium) for the spells: alter dream, enter dream, the shadowy twilight of thought and memory that lies conjure dream object, conjure nightmare, endless between sleep and the waking world. The ancient slumber, sleepless curse, sleepwalking, slumber, true practitioners of dream magic did not divide themselves dream, true nightmare, and healing dream. DMs without into schools as thought of in modern terms, but over the access to these spells might choose to invent sleep- or course of time their magical secrets and patterns dream-based magic of their own, or simply to rule that a established a certain congruence with those of Illusionists PC Sandman has not had the opportunity to learn such and the two became closely linked, until little difference exotic enchantments. Regardless of whether such spells could be seen by an outside observer. The dream wizards are available in the DM's campaign, a Sandman gains the kept their secrets tightly held even from their allied following special abilities: Illusionists, however, and they represent a small but powerful shadowy force that lurks about the fringes of the Dream Mastery: A Sandman always remembers his or world of magic. her own dreams, and may at the DM's discretion have prophetic dreams from time to time. In addition, a The basic premise of the Sandman philosophy is a simple Sandman can view the dreams of a sleeping character in a one: while the waking mind perceives, the sleeping or manner similar to an ESP spell. This can be done at any dreaming mind imagines. This simple division does not time and simply requires concentration by the Sandman. really provide a sufficient definition of the dream magic Dream reading can be maintained for as long as desired, practiced by a Sandman, but it begins to bound the though if it is maintained for a number of rounds that concept. While it is allied with illusion, dream magic is exceeds the Sandman's level then he or she must make a not truly within it at its heart, as it forms a metaphysical save vs. paralyzation each round or become subject to and intangible science all its own that simply happens to confusion (as the spell) for 1d4 rounds due to sensory 'share space' with the Realm of Illusion and its focus on overload. Regardless of how long it is maintained, a thought, emotion, and perception. Many Sandmen of the Sandman cannot read a particular creature's dreams more past have posited the existence of a Demiplane of Dreams than once per night, nor more than one creature per level from which they drew their power, though it is not truly of experience during any 24 hour period. Sleeping known whether such a place exists or how it might be creatures are entitled to a save vs. spells to resist dream- accessed to provide magical power. Perhaps these secrets reading, and creatures using mental defenses such as have been lost to the passage of time, or perhaps they are conceal thoughts, mind blank, non-detection or a ring of guarded closely by the secretive and closemouthed mind shielding or similar item are immune to this power. Sandmen, who are content to mislead and deflect investigation that begins to come too near the truth. If It is possible for a Sandman to implant an Illusion spell this plane truly exists, it seems to suffuse the waking into the mind of a sleeping creature, either to take effect world of reality and perhaps the Plane of Shadow as well, immediately (but only in the character's dreams; he or she finding its connections to the world through the power of will have a vague and unsettling memory of the spell the subconscious dreams and desires of sentient beings effect upon awakening), upon first awakening, or delayed that reach out and find a semblance of reality in the for a set amount of time or until a particular event occurs dreamlands. (trigger conditions similar to the magic mouth spell) after awakening. Requirements: As a standard Illusionist, save that a Sandman must also have at least 13 Wisdom. Also, see In order to use Dream Mastery to implant a spell in this Special Hindrances. fashion, the intended victim must first have had its dreams successfully read. The Sandman must then cast the spell Weapons & Armor: As a standard Illusionist. to be implanted, and the target is entitled to another save vs. spells to see whether the enchantment is successfully Special Benefits: Over the course of ages, those rare implanted. Note that this does not mean that the spell individuals who have aspired to learn the arts of the actually takes effect, but only that it has been placed Sandmen have developed an array of special spells that within the target's sleeping mind. A Sandman will never they teach to those of their profession and never to others. be aware of whether an attempt to implant a spell has It is unknown whether other wizards would even be been successful until the next time he or she attempts to Ver 2.2 - 9 Character Classes: Wizard (Illusionist) recover spells (see below). regardless of Realm of Magic. In addition, he or she can attempt to learn priest spells dealing with sleep, dreams, Whenever the spell actually takes effect (whether that is or memories as if they were wizard spells of equal level. immediate or even years later), the target is entitled to any Such spells must be learned from priests able to cast them, saving throw that would normally apply. Note that only with the normal chance for understanding (though without Illusion spells can be implanted in this fashion, and the any bonus to his or her Chance to Know Spells), and they DM must use his or her discretion as to whether a spell is count normally against a Sandman's maximum number of appropriate for use with this ability (e.g., blindness or spells per level. phantasmal killer would be, invisibility or prismatic sphere would not). The implanted spell will also affect In addition to their magical powers related to the mind, only the creature in whom it has been implanted, never Sandmen have the ability to regulate the depth and quality another creature and never an area of effect (e.g., of their sleep with great precision. A Sandman can confusion or mass charm would affect only the target always set an 'internal alarm clock' to awaken after a creature). precise specified period of time. A Sandman can also elect to sleep very lightly if desired, entitling him or her to A significant drawback of implanting spells in a sleeping a normal surprise roll when threatened while sleeping to mind via Dream Mastery is that until the implanted spell be able to awaken and react immediately to the threat. A has taken effect, the Sandman loses access to one spell Sandman can also choose to sleep very deeply, effectively 'slot' of the level of the spell that has been placed; hence, doubling the restorative power of sleep time (i.e., four if feeblemind has been implanted, the Sandman must hours of such deep sleep would be equivalent to eight forgo one 5th level spell 'slot' until such time as the hours of normal sleep), though while in such deep sleep a implanted spell takes effect. Sandman can be aroused only through extraordinary means (including actual physical wounds). Illusionary Expertise: As a standard Illusionist. Special Hindrances: Sandmen focus fairly closely on Omit Components: As a standard Illusionist. their unique subspecialty, and they do not gain the ability of Illusionary Enhancement that other Illusionists Psychic Somnolence: In addition to their magical skills, possess. In addition, since they spend so much time a Sandman learns to explore certain areas of his or her studying sleep and engaged in sedentary pursuits that they psychic potential within their particular areas of interest, gain only three-sided hit dice, rather than the four-sided gaining the following psionic powers as they increase in hit dice normal for wizards. In addition, their hit point level: bonus from high Constitution can never exceed +1. They are also ill-prepared for combat and suffer a -1 penalty to 1st level: cause sleep, mind blank attack rolls in combat. They may also never gain more 2nd level: danger sense than a single weapon proficiency (most often dagger or 3rd level: join with astral traveler, sensitivity to knife). psychic impressions 4th level: mind over body Another important respect in which Sandmen differ from 5th level: astral projection, conceal thoughts other wizards is that in order to recover their spells they 6th level: dream travel must study spells desired for memorization (requiring 10 7th level: suspend animation, precognition minutes per spell level) before going to sleep for the 8th level: ectoplasmic form night, and they must have an uninterrupted period of at 9th level: probability travel, time shift least eight hours of sleep plus additional sleep equal to the amount of time required to spell memorization time A Sandman uses these powers as a Psionicist would and added on at the end. During this time, a Sandman gains PSPs as a psionicist would, but gains only one-half accesses the hidden reservoirs of magical energy within the normal number of PSPs at 1st level and at each level the world of dreams and formulates the powers of his or thereafter. A Sandman can select non-weapon her magical spells for future use. Because of this unusual proficiencies from the Psionicist list without penalty, but method of regaining their spell energy, Sandmen must he or she cannot perform psionic meditations or any other prememorize all of their spells; unlike other wizards, they class functions of a Psionicist. cannot leave spell 'slots' open for later memorization.

Sleep Studies: Sandmen are able to master powers of If a Sandman's sleep is interrupted, his or her attempted magic beyond the realm of normal wizardry. A Sandman spell memorization will be ruined for that day. Note that can learn and cast without penalty any wizard spell Sandmen have carefully trained themselves in the arts of dealing with powers of sleep, dreams, or memories, sleep and meditation, and they can always choose to Ver 2.2 - 10 Character Classes: Wizard (Illusionist) remain asleep regardless of the situation. A Sandman could even remain comfortably asleep in the midst of a battle, though obviously there is a significant danger inherent in this course of action.

Bonus Proficiency: Prophecy Required Proficiency: Reading/Writing Preferred Proficiencies: Ancient History, Arcanology, Artistic Ability, Blather, Divining, Language (any), Etiquette, Gaming, Local History, Musical Instrument, Singing, Spellcraft, Ventriloquism Ver 2.2 - 11 Character Classes: Wizard (Illusionist)

ILLUSIONIST KITS of Song Magic) in a manner similar to a dispel magic spell. This can be done once per day for every five levels Spellsinger of experience (rounding down), has a maximum range of 30 yards, and requires one round of concentration by the Description: Spellsingers are Illusionists who have Spellsinger (which can be disrupted by physical attack or focused their study primarily upon the manipulation of similar events), culminating in a single discordant note hearts and minds through the power of music. They go that attempts to establish a magical counter-harmony that even beyond this to study all aspects of working with negates the effect. This ability does not function in areas magical energy through the weaving of lyrics, melody, of magical silence, and it cannot remove temporary or rhythm, and sound to create enchantments of great power. permanent deafness. While elements of such magic have long been practiced among elves and by some bards, only recently have At 9th level, he or she can extend his or her Countersong Illusionists begun to integrate the whole into a cohesive by singing (and playing, if desired) as a protective barrier pattern of study to explore its intriguing possibilities. in a 10' radius that completely negates any sound-, Spellsingers need not be naturally talented vocalists, but speech-, or music-based attacks for as long as the their voices and ears are always well-trained and finely Spellsinger is able to continue his or her Countersong, up tuned by untold hours of practice. In fact, many are to a maximum of one turn per level of experience. Note believed to be bards or professional singers and their that this type of Countersong does not remove or negate wizardly skills go entirely unnoticed by those around any ill effects already in place; it merely prevents new them. They practice toward perfection in their music, as effects from being introduced into the area. It also the subtleties of pitch and expression are critically precludes those outside the area from giving orders to important in using this type of magic and to simply charmed creatures within the area (though domination and understanding the hidden harmonies that resound with and possession still allows normal control over a creature in encompass the ebb and flow of the universe and its power. the area). He or she can move at up to half speed and still One need only find the proper magical 'keynotes' to be maintain this protection, but any successful attack against able to subtly bend and replicate these natural patterns in the Spellsinger will end it immediately. This type of such a way as to create apparent or even real changes in Countersong can be performed no more than once per the fabric of reality. day.

Requirements: As a standard Illusionist, save that a Illusionary Enhancement: As a standard Illusionist, Spellsinger must have at least a 15 Charisma. In addition, though for a Spellsinger this ability applies only to spells full-blooded elves may become Spellsingers but gnomes from the school of Song. cannot. Musical Mastery: Spellsingers are very familiar with the Weapons & Armor: As a standard Illusionist, though a use of music, sound, and speech in magic, gaining a +15% Spellsinger may also become proficient in the short bow, bonus to learn spells of Song Magic. They also gain a +2 short composite bow, light crossbow, or hand crossbow. bonus to saves vs. any attack based on these effects and apply a -2 penalty to enemy saving throws vs. Song Special Benefits: Spellsingers continually refine their Magic spells that they cast. In addition, a Spellsinger of vocal art and performance ability, gaining a +1 bonus to 5th level or above is able to increase the range of any their Singing proficiency for every five levels of Song Magic spell by 50%. experience (rounding up). They also gain a +1 bonus to the Poetry, Chanting, and Musical Instrument pro- When using musical or sound-based magical items, a ficiencies if they are known. Spellsingers also have a Spellsinger of 9th level or above is able to enhance their well-trained and discerning hearing, gaining the effects by 50% (or reduce negative effects of cursed items equivalent of the Detect Noise thieving ability with a +5 by 50%). bonus per level of experience. Omit Components: Spellsingers gain a very specialized In addition to these mundane skills, Spellsingers can learn version of this ability that differs from that used by and cast all Song Magic spells, regardless of Realm, as a standard Illusionists. Simply stated, a Spellsinger can cast part of their Primary FOS. They also gain the following any spell from the School of Song using only a verbal special abilities: component, regardless of other components normally required. While this makes him or her vulnerable to Countersong: Beginning at 5th level, a Spellsinger gains magical silence or even simple gagging, it also allows the ability to negate baneful effects of sound-, speech-, or them to cast spells while securely bound or stripped of all music-based effects (including any spell from the school possessions. Spells other than Song Magic spells require Ver 2.2 - 12 Character Classes: Wizard (Illusionist) all normal components. Calligraphy, Chanting, Craft Instrument, Crowd Working, Etiquette, Grooming, Musical Instrument, Numeracy, Special Hindrances: Spellsingers are not primarily Poetry, Public Speaking, Research, Spellcraft, Time concerned with matters of illusion, and thus they do not Sense, Whistling/Humming gain the Illusionary Expertise ability of a standard Illusionist. They also do not gain any special bonus when learning spells from the Realm of Illusion, though that remains their Primary FOS.

In addition to this, any spellcasting undertaken by a Spellsinger must be accompanied by sound and music. Even those few spells that do not normally have a verbal component must be cast with one when used by a Spellsinger. The singing of spell verbal components is not always a particular set pitch or volume, but the song must generally be at least the volume of normal speech in order for the spell to work. Though in certain circumstances, this may be hidden within a normal musical performance or by other loud noise going on nearby, in relatively quiet conditions or in any situation where a Spellsinger is under any degree of scrutiny his or her magical songs are going to be painfully obvious to anyone nearby. They may or may not make the con- nection between a Spellsinger's song and magical effects that occur (though very intelligent ones will probably figure it out in short order), but this is always a risk when a Spellsinger attempts to cast a spell with discretion.

The greatest hindrance that Spellsingers face, however, is that their system of invoking and recording magic is quite different from that used by ordinary wizards. Spellsingers view the operation and manipulation of magical forces as being dependent on an arcane and intricate system of complex harmonics, musical dynamics, rhythmic permutations, and the influence of melodic and discordant tones upon the fabric of reality and the weave of magical energy that suffuses all things. Hence, their spellbooks and magical scrolls are actually translated by them from standard magical text into extraordinarily complex musical scores and notations that describe the vocal and symphonic fugue necessary to harness and generate a specific desired magical effect. Thus, the spellbooks and scrolls of a Spellsinger are useless to any other type of wizard and vice versa. It is possible for an Spellsinger to personally teach a spell to or learn a spell from a wizard of another type (including a standard Illusionist), though in either case the Chance to Know Spell is halved (the usual -15% penalty to learn spells outside the Realm of Illusion also applies, save for Song Magic spells) and the instruction will require double the normal amount of time, although these penalties do not apply when teaching or learning spells from the school of Song Magic.

Bonus Proficiency: Singing Required Proficiencies: Reading/Writing Preferred Proficiencies: Acute Hearing, Artistic Ability, Ver 2.2 - 13 Character Classes: Wizard (Illusionist) Ver 2.2 - 1 Character Classes: Wizard (Illusionist)


As with all postings by me of classes or races, it should be noted that portions of the information contained herein were inspired by or derived from information in published works of TSR, Inc., and may contain references to those works, quotations or passages of text (especially in the area of 'Character Description', where applicable sections from TSR works were often carried over more or less intact into my campaign world), or particular powers or abilities invented by TSR staff writers. No relationship with TSR, Inc., is to be implied by this use, nor is any attempt being made to solicit profit or remuneration of any kind. I have read the TSR Online Policy document, and have tried to accommodate the stipulations contained therein.

In instances where I have lifted an essentially complete class or race without significant alteration, I have not included these in my postings but instead have inserted a reference to the appropriate D&D sourcebook for those curious in including it in their campaign. Only variations that include a significant component of original work, alteration, or reformulation (including the compositing elements from various TSR sources into new combinations) of have been included in this set of postings.

Jason Eric Nelson < [email protected] >

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